"There comes a time in all our lives when we must let go of all the chaos and clutter of the modern world and tune our minds to a simpler idea…to see into that empty space just a few feet in front of us and see nothing else… to see the path ahead as a story yet to be written. Entire days of our lives can pass by without meaning, yet within these moments of absolute clarity there’s an entire lifetime worth remembering. It’s simply a matter of letting the rest of the world melt away…"
You can purchase unReal on iTunes for $14.99, or you can download it from one of the following platforms: Amazon, Google Play, Xbox, PlayStation, MGo (4k), and Vimeo on Demand. unReal is also available on demand on Comcast Cable VOD, DirecTV On Demand, and Dish On Demand.
You can PRE-ORDER unReal on iTunes now for $14.99 and it will automatically download to your computer once the clock strikes midnight on July 21st.
ARRIVAL has arrived. On Thursday, November 28th starting at 12:00pm/noon PST (9:00pm CET) SecondBase Films will broadcast the online premiere of their new short film ARRIVAL to the world. This will be a FREE premiere event, where the film will be available to watch for a limited time.
On Monday, July 29th starting at 10:00am PST (7:00pm CET) Anthill Films will broadcast the online premiere of their new short film, NotBad, to the world. This will be a FREE premiere event, where the film will available to watch for a limited time.