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National Film Board of Canada | 60 Day Cycle

National Film Board of Canada | 60 Day Cycle

Riding bicycles is more popular than ever. Sales are booming. Roads are being repurposed for cycling traffic. Tepair shops can barely keep up with the demand. 60 Day Cycle, a depiction of a lone cyclist pedaling through the empty streetscape of Vancouver and past its deserted landmarks.

Mind the Gap Ep. 7: Enter into the unReal

Mind the Gap Ep. 7: Enter into the unReal

On June 18th, 2015, Teton Gravity Research and Anthill Films unveiled their long-awaited mountain bike film, unReal, to 1600 people in Vancouver, BC. Since then, the film has premiered in over 55 cities and is set to premiere in dozens more over the summer. Be sure to check out for tour dates and to buy tickets!

Strength in Numbers - BC Builders Segment

Strength in Numbers - BC Builders Segment

In BC, you can experience the evolution of mountain biking through the trails. From beaten down jumps on a vacant lot to massive back-country booters; from first descents that have never seen the tread of a tire to machine-made masterpieces. Trails connect all mountain bikers, and in BC, trail builders are the force that bring riders together. Brandon Semenuk - Action

Support the filmmakers and get the full film in true HD and uninterrupted: iTunes Worldwide Collectors Edition 3-in-1 DVD+BluRay+Digital

Anthony Messere - Action

Matt Hunter in Kamloops, BC

Graham Agassiz in Kamloops

Strength in Numbers is a new community film project from Anthill Films and Red Bull Media House. Presented by Shimano and Trek, Strength in Numbers is being made available for all mountain bikers to experience through free online streaming of individual segments. The vision is to create the potential for every mountain biker in the world to see and share the film. To see the full film uninterrupted, get exclusive extra features and support the filmmakers, order your copy now at

Photos courtesy Sterling Lorence.