Viewing entries tagged
Gee Atherton

The Official Not2Bad ACTION Trailer is Here!

The Official Not2Bad ACTION Trailer is Here!

Not2Bad is what happens when some of the world’s best mountain bikers spend 30 days straight, running wild on anything that has two wheels... with cameras rolling at all times. It’s a mountain bike film that’s Not Dos Bad!

Pursuing Perfection, presented by Saint

Pursuing Perfection, presented by Saint

The points start collecting from the very first beep of the season at round one. The pressure of their presence sits on riders’ shoulders all year. The ticking clock may stop after each run but the abacus never stops, it only pauses between races to coil the riders springs even tighter. Until eventually the chips are counted at the final round.

Strength in Numbers - World Cup Segment

Strength in Numbers - World Cup Segment

The UCI world cup circuit is a living, breathing community of riders dedicated to travelling the globe to race bikes. Nomadic in nature, this elite community exists only on the road in a never-ending pursuit of milliseconds. These athletes train the hardest, constantly drive technology forward and act as ambassadors for our sport as they travel the world to compete.

Anthill Films Announces Riders for Strength in Numbers

Anthill Films Announces Riders for Strength in Numbers

Anthill Films is excited to follow up the announcement of their upcoming mountain bike film, Strength in Numbers, with the confirmed rider list for the film. Strength in Numbers will feature a diverse selection of riders with some of the biggest names in the sport, including: Andrew Shandro, Brandon Semenuk, Cam McCaul, Danny Macaskill, Gee Atherton, Graham Aggasiz, Matt Hunter, Rene Wildhaber and Thomas Vanderham.