Armed with more Action-cams than we could possibly use and Cam McCaul’s creative riding style and laid back humour, Anthill Films took to the trails of the Blackrock Bike Park to try some ideas that we’ve been scheming up.

As much as we love the fancy, full production shoots where we can wrangle up all our toys,  sometimes the simplest tools allow for the most creativity and experimentation. The Action Cam is a remarkably capable camera, and it’s portability allowed us to pull-off some techniques that we had envisioned but not executed until now – like our seamless POV to cable cam sequence, or the out-of-body follow cams.

“The goal was to keep it simple, to go somewhere local and try ideas that were unique to us” – Colin Jones, Partner and Director with Anthill Films

Check out the full video below along with some behind the scenes shots.